Rachel & James

People often ask me where my favorite place is to shoot. Honestly, for me, it’s not about the place, it’s about the people.

I’m extremely lucky that I get to travel to all kinds of incredilble places, and as you will see, where Rachel & James got married was no exception. A killer location is always just a bonus though. What is most important is the couple, and for this story, it’s about Rachel & James. These guys set the vibe for the day, and it was total magic. It was casual, emotional and at times, hysterical with laughter.

Katie joined me again on this one and we we had a total blast spending the day with these kick-ass kiwis. Katie and I have been lucky enough to shoot most of our destination weddings together this year which has been awesome. We make a good team.

So, here is Rachel & James’ story. They are good people. I hope, like me, you will fall in love with them…

Featured on Junebug Weddings


Susi & Omar

Life is an adventure. For every one of us.

It’s a process of exploration. Exploration of our earth, but also ourselves and each other.

We hold the reins of our own life, but for the most part we do not know what is in store for us. We try to be our best, and hope for the best, but each moment ahead of us requires a courageous step into the great unknown. I wonder if it is when we get most complacent of this fact that life serves us with appropriate reminders.

Joining Susi and Omar on their adventure was something I knew would be a special experience, but I didn’t fully anticipate how much of an adventure it would be for myself. For the most part, that adventure will come through in the photos but perhaps what will not, is my inner adventure, in my heart and spirit.

There’s been a lot of changes in my life in the past couple years. Of course, that means that there’s been some stormy weather at times, some that felt almost impossible to navigate. I did however, get through it, and have come out of it better and stronger with more love to give. More love to give to the important people in my life but also more love to give to my art, and the steady stream of incredible couples who I am lucky enough to photograph and in return enrich my life. Susi and Omar are no exception to this. As I walk into this new chapter, it feels like a comfortable, yet unfamiliar place. I’m a little scared. Fortunately, I have gained a new best friend, and loving companion – Katie. Prior to us finding each other, we were both fiercely independent, but now, neither of us would know what do do without the other. Katie and I share the same passion for what we do, and photographing this wedding with her was one epic and overwhelming feat that I quite literally could not of have done without her. When I look at these photos, I am reminded of that.

For that reason, it didn’t feel like we were just tagging along on Susi and Omar’s adventure. We were very much on an adventure of our own and I have no doubt that every second will be etched in our minds forever.

As for our new friends Susi & Omar, these two are a very special pair. Their energy is peaceful and gracious. Their love is calm and gentle. They are two beautiful souls. I hope you enjoy their story.

(2017 AIPP Album of the Year)