Erin & Tom

I think one of the things that makes a wedding so special is that it’s a milestone, not just for the couple, but for everyone present. On a wedding day, you experience the full spectrum of emotion. You reflect on the past, live in the moment and dream about the future. It’s not something we tend to do every day. Of course, love and happiness fills the air at every wedding, but if you look deeper, there is always much more going on. No story is simple.

Erin and Tom both lost their fathers some years ago. I know first hand, the grief of loosing someone close; it’s something you carry with you, in part, forever. Photographing their wedding, I could feel the gravity of the day. On days like these, it’s like life gets condensed into a single day. Everything is amplified. Some chapters close, others begin. It’s a beautiful thing.

Featured on Hello May

Katie & Corey

When doing anything creative, we find inspiration from inside and out. It could come from anywhere but for me, what fuels me most is people. When I photograph a wedding day, I love that I get to be so intimately involved and share in what will be the best day of the couple’s lives. I get to see them in a depth that even their closest friends and family may never see, the ‘real’ them. That is what inspires me.

The day before the wedding Katie and Corey picked me up in their car for a catch-up. We grabbed a coffee and they showed me around their home town of Tauranga, New Zealand. As we drove around exploring the place, we chatted about all kinds of stuff, just getting to know each other. We didn’t even talk about the wedding that much. It was fun and gave me a a real sense of what these two are about. They welcomed me into their lives and gave me their complete trust to capture their wedding day. It’s all I could ask for really.

Katie and Corey are such a kind and laid back couple who celebrated their wedding day in way that was so true to themselves. They both have such a peacefulness about them, so it’s no wonder that they found each other. In fact, that’s what their whole day was like, peaceful. 

Until the end that is, then it got a little crazy.

Featured on Hello May

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