Rachel & James

People often ask me where my favorite place is to shoot. Honestly, for me, it’s not about the place, it’s about the people.

I’m extremely lucky that I get to travel to all kinds of incredilble places, and as you will see, where Rachel & James got married was no exception. A killer location is always just a bonus though. What is most important is the couple, and for this story, it’s about Rachel & James. These guys set the vibe for the day, and it was total magic. It was casual, emotional and at times, hysterical with laughter.

Katie joined me again on this one and we we had a total blast spending the day with these kick-ass kiwis. Katie and I have been lucky enough to shoot most of our destination weddings together this year which has been awesome. We make a good team.

So, here is Rachel & James’ story. They are good people. I hope, like me, you will fall in love with them…

Featured on Junebug Weddings


That’s amore

I was very fortunate to be able to enjoy a couple of weeks exploring Italy. I had been before but only briefly, so this time I was really able to relax and enjoy the whole Italy vibe. I absolutely loved it and really came to appreciate the Mediterranean way of life, where it’s only the truly important things that are important. I can’t wait to get back there in 2017.