My Mr Fox

I’d like to introduce you to my most trusted advisor – Fox Lee Ronald.

He may be younger than me but is much wiser, well beyond his years. Here’s some of his finest attributes…

– If he ever sees a helicopter or airplane he will stop and look in amazement

– When he sees a tram he will wave to everyone on board

– He speaks his mind eg. if he doesn’t like what he is eating he will be sure and say ‘bit disgusting reckon’

– He knows the difference between police, ambulance and fire sirens

– If he is sad, he will announce that he is sad

– If he sees a puddle, he will jump in it

– He may not be able to count, but he knows the name of every single bit of earth moving machinery there is

– He likes to make up songs about things that he likes eg. diggers, dump trucks, etc

– He enjoys a good hug

– At night, after you’ve read him a story and sung him a song he shuffles around in bed to make himself comfortable and then says ‘I lub you’

A new dawn

It’s been a long time coming, too long in fact, but I’m happy to share my fresh new look with you all. It’s something I’ve be thinking about and wanting to do for a long time but inevitably kept being put on the back burner. Along with my pals at SP GD, we finally pulled it off and I’m super excited to now launch my new brand identity and website that uniquely represents me and my photography. I couldn’t be more grateful to Surya, Mick and Mara for their hard work on this. I hope you dig it.

A little feature HERE, HERE & HERE.