Stace & Dan

There’s just something about those Californian Redwoods. As humans we shrink to the size of ants, humbled by their gigantism. A reminder of who is boss. Under the Sequoia canopy, the forest floor is a supple blanket of crispy burnt orange leaves. The air is still. Pools of sunlight trickle through. The faintest sound; the crack of a twig, the laughing of a kookaburra echo throughout. It is a moving and spiritual place. Mother nature’s church. Stace and Dan first met in this very spot while working on a film together several years prior. There could be no more perfect to place for them dedicate their lives to each other.

Featured in Hello May 2017 Real Wedding Special


Ancient Lands

My trip to Egypt with Katie was one of my all time favourite experiences for a whole range of reasons. As months pass and memories fade I decided to throw together an assortment of images to share the experience we had from our perspective. So it includes shots from Susi & Omar’s story, but also behind the scenes, outtakes and whole bunch of other stuff. Enjoy!